/ newsletter-december-2021

Newsletter December 2021

Our December 2021 newsletter is online with:- Modelling treatment sequences MS and Melanoma- Interview with dr Hedwig Blommestein on assessing cost-effectiveness of proton beam therapy- The prognostic value of NTRK+ fusion in The Netherlands….and much more.

Find it HERE

Now online: iMTA July 2021 newsletter

In this newsletter you’ll find information on:

  • Our collaboration CADTH and ESPHM/iMTA launched,
  • Swiss HTA on medical cannabis in various symptoms finalized,
  • Research on constructing and validating a discrete event simulation model for early warning systems in heart failure management,
  • Research on health economic modelling of personalized medicine,
  • Research on HTA for artificial intelligence in health care,
  • And more!

    Find our newsletter here.