MHQoL scoring manual

The scoring manual explains the calculation of scores for the descriptive system of the MHQoL, the MHQoL-7D. The scoring manual can be found here.


User conditions

The MHQoL is available for use without prior permission from the authors. Its use is the responsibility of the researcher. Please reference the use of the MHQoL in any publication:


van Krugten, F. C. W., Busschbach, J. J. V., Versteegh, M. M., Hakkaart-van Roijen, L., & Brouwer, W. B. F. (2021). The Mental Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (MHQoL): development and first psychometric evaluation of a new measure to assess quality of life in people with mental health problems. Quality of Life Research, 1-11.


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